Pass The Word

Many members of our family have by now heard about this site and hopefully they have visited it. I've been looking for a way to add a calendar so that we easily see what's going on and when birthdays are, stuff like that. If you know of someone's email address maybe pass this site along and if you need the username to post something new, just let me know.

At least for now I want to post a monthly birthday post as a reminder. So if people can send me an email with the birthdays in their family that would be very helpful. Well I hope to see everyone on Christmas Eve.


Alli said...

I think Christmas Eve is going to be a potluck this year, so plan on bringing a dish! And if anyone wants to bring games, or music, or anything to pass the time, please do! I'm bringing a Karaoke machine and some music. See you there!

Meneses said...

As far as games go- I think a few people want a chess tournament. Nate and myself were discussing it, and discussing rules and format.

Greg F.

Meneses said...

A chess tournament would be a pretty cool idea. I would definitely want in on that, I have a board I can bring.