
Just wanted to say thanks to the creaters of this cite - I dont know who all was involved but good job, I hope many family members are visiting this cite - it is a great way to stay in touch... Mark just told me that Art might be coming home in Jan if anyone could post the dates that would be great. I also wanted to say congrats!!!! to all of the expecting parents......I know this has been a tough year, but Its nice to know that soon our holiday gatherings will be much like the ones we had growing up. Hopefully this generation wont break stuff like we used to (sorry gabe) Also I have some pics from christmas Im going to get to Ali so watch out for those

Later ---- Doug


Anonymous said...

Gabe initially brought up the idea of a family blog. Since I'm always on a computer, I decided to put it up. Last I heard Art would be flying back from China into L.A. on the 18th. I'm not sure for how long. He emailed me and said that the blog was blocked by the Chinese censors, )that's an issue for our other blogs)so he hadn't been able to view it. We'll be awaiting those pictures of Christmas, I think you were one of the only people using a digital camera that day.

Anonymous said...


Meneses said...

I wonder if anyone ever goes back through the different postings from various years on this website just to see if there is a crazy new post from like 2 years after! well if youre that person this post is for you! Dude, you found the post youre looking for! congratulations, time to celebrate! from the nate, dec. 18, 2007.

Anonymous said...

hey nate, thanks for the post two years later. if you read this you should post something in 2009.