Silencing the Chops

In what had to be the most dominating display of dominance in quite sometime, Gabe wipped out the entire smith clan and finished off nate in one single turn. What started out as a death run turned into what can only be described as, sure madness or pure genius. feeling threatend by mike Gabe elected to attack mike and force him to withdraw his force back into Australia or over extend and attack gabe in europe. mike choosing to withdraw instead of overextending. created a quagmire for mark to either attack mike and overextend himself, leaving himself vulnerable to attack from the nordsmen. Mark choose to attempt to build a barricade of massive armies and isolate the nordsmen from attacking. marks fateful error was that he left the Nords one tribe in the mongols in which lunch an attack from. Redbeard and nate, both powerless to finish off mike, traded armies with eachother in the americas leaving the Nordsmen "LICKING THEIR CHOPS" at the possibilites of extracting a pound of flesh from the Aussies. The Nordsmen began a simple attack in an attempted geniocide of the aussies proved to be highly profitable for them. thuse starting in motion a series of event that allowed for a continued piliging and plundering of the smith clan. The clan of the Moose was the next to be devoured by the black Nordsmen. after conquring the moose clan and their vaunted madagascar defence. the Nordsmen of the black Tribe turned to the Clan of the Redbeard they fell in the Americas of the north. As the pilliging continued the bounty became increasing profitable for the Nordsmen. as the last tribe standing was the small and feable clan of Grimsley of the Americas of the south. there fall was enavitable as their three horsemen were engulfed by what can only be discribed as a tsunami of cannons (6) and four calvary men. leaving only One from the Highlands of the Nords to remain standing alone wielding all the power that bestowed upon him. as the Smith clan returned home they were haunted by the echoing laughter of the Nordsmen


Anonymous said...

You guys are still geeks!

Anonymous said...

The Laughter. . . IT HAUNTS ME!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Was that post a defiant display of defiance , an insane display of insanity, or was it just a verbose display of verbiosity?