Super Bowl

Super Bowl Sunday went very well. Big Thanks to Mike for making tons of food, the tri-tip and the ribs were excellent. Grandpa Art made some great salsa, Ron made some chicken wings, and Connie made some Chili beans. There was way too much food, but at least we'll have some leftovers for lunch tomorrow.

The big winner today was Cathi. Thanks to a late Eagles touchdown, she managed to be the closest in her Super Bowl prediction and won the final pool taking in 135 big ones. All in all it was a good game, and a good get together. We missed those who couldn't make it.

Afterwards we had our final Risk game of the weekend which you can read about in the Risk Standings. So once again thanks for all the food Mike and to grandpa for letting us have the everything over at his place. We hope to see you guys on the 12th.


Anonymous said...

Moosetradamus or Moosetraretardus? Shall we take a family poll?

Anonymous said...

One vote for retardus!!

Anonymous said...

I vote for Uncle Geek...oops, I can't type

Anonymous said...

I had a feeling someone would post that "Uncle Geek", but I didn't realize Connor was already typing.