
I'm looking for ways to do more with this site. For me, it's pretty easy to post pictures all day, but I would like to more input on what people think we could do here. I've been hoping that more people from a wide representation of our family would post news here, and so far that has happened to a small extent.

What would you guys like to see here? Any features that we could add to make this site more useful? I know that there's more going on with the family than we have announced here, and basically what I would like to see is more news from everyone. If you have pictures, you don't even have to send them to me anymore, you can put them in a post by using the little picture icon, in the composing template (I don't know if this works for Mac).

Well, that's all, I just wanted people to let me know what we could do here to make this a more useful tool for our family. Please leave any suggestions in the comments, or log in and create a new post. Thanks


Anonymous said...

If any of the out of state family members have web pages of their own, it would be nice if they would send a link. Has this thing been emailed to many out of staters or extended family members?

Anonymous said...

I have sent emails to the family members in Maine and I know that Arturo has visited the site. For some reason my emails to Aunt Liz don't go through, so if someone else would like to try to send her an email that would be nice. I'm sure her Megan and Rachel use the internet but I don't have email addresses for them, it would be nice to hear how they are doing.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be nice if you could put a calendar on the site that anyone could add their events on. That way we could always know when there's a get together coming up.