The one from Massachusetts

Hey everyone-

Sorry it's taken me so long to post something on here, things have been a little crazy. A lot has been happening since the last time I've talked to most of you. I graduated from college this past May and ever since I've been waitressing, not really what I had planned to do but hey it pays the bills. I'm living in Massachusetts with Kevin and his family, but we are moving back to Maine togeher in the Summer and I'm going to go back to school to get my teaching certification. But I guess the biggest news is that I'm engaged and very excited. Like Alli posted we are getting married May of 2008 and we hope to see you all here for that. We've been discussing a trip out there and we are hoping to go out next winter we have been trying to save, but I know that Kevin would really love to meet all of you before the wedding. I miss everyone very much.

Juan is living out in California, he is stationed in Monterrey or right around there so if anyone gets a chance to go that way I know he would appreciate the company. I sent Alli his email address but currently don't know it right now. He will be coming home this Friday for Christmas and I am very excited.

But that's all I have right now. I miss you all and love you all very much. Take care




Anonymous said...

Hey Danielle,

I'm glad everything is going well back in Massachusetts. We wish you guys could make it out here for the holidays. Have a great Christmas!

Anonymous said...

that is wonderful news. we can't wait to meet that lucky guy who has captured your heart. send us pictures and let us know how we can help when the time comes. congratulations!!!:) we love you, merry christmas and a bomb diggity new year!