Any Good Music Lately?

UPDATE: okay so I finally added a workabe playlist (fingers crossed). The cool thing is that with the same log-in as this blog, anybody can go on and add songs to this list. You can log in here on Imeem. For now the playlist is on the sidebar, probably at the bottom of your page. I'm still hoping to work on this so that it doesn't mess the entire layout of the page, but that's just the boring details.

So I decided to update this post, with a new twist. I've decided to post a webpage for every artist/band that's been recommended here. That way it's might be easy to check out a band or listen to something new. So here goes:

Who doesn't like Bob Marley?
Weezer has always been one of my favorite bands
Alot of people here like John Mayer
Greg and Alli both recommended Matisyahu
Juan really likes Fallout Boy - he even has the tatoo to prove it.
Kings of Leon is a cool band with a kind of classic rock feel.
I'm not sure who recommended Perry Como, but hey, he's cool.
Alli and Chris recommended Avenged Sevenfold
A few people recommend the man in black
Nate introduced us to Matt Costa
Another family favorite is Jack Johnson
Jimmie's Chicken Shack had some radio play in the late 90's
The Chili Peppers
Greg recommendsAlexi Murdoch
Placebo is another pick from Greg
Alli is a fan of The Wailin Jennys
The Mars Volta is different, but very cool.
Greg says we should check out the Editors
Ron and Jae like Snow Patrol
Apparently Mr. Craven loves DethKlok
Donovan Frankenreiter was recommended by Nate
Who doesn't like The Boss?
Dire Straits has a new album worth checking out.
A band from Hawaii that I really like is called Pepper
Mike recommends Katy Perry


Anonymous said...
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Koontz fam said...

I'm enjoying John Mayer's cd right now. I don't listen to very many modern bands I would like to know any recommendations.

Anonymous said...

the kids these days are listening to fallout boy. For the older folks, I think you should check out Kings of Leon. Good stuff.

Koontz fam said...

are you calling me old Mark?

Anonymous said...

Any Perry Como fans out there?

Anonymous said...

Caroline, you can listen to fallout boy all you want.

Anonymous said...

Chris and I both like the new Avenged Sevenfold cd, but it's kind of hard. And Madistyahu is pretty aweswome. Hard to type with Jack on my lap. He likes anything by Elmo.

Anonymous said...

Johnny Cash: The legend an excellent choice the grims have now.

Meneses said...

hey guys i think everyone should check out this guy named matt costa. hes a guy whos pretty under the radar as far as mainstream music goes but his acoustical stuff is really good. kinda of a folksy throw back artist. if anyones intersted i can burn you a copy of his stuff. (Mark i think that you would especially like it) From THE NATE

Anonymous said...

throw a copy the craven way, we want to hear it.

Meneses said...

anything by Jack Johnson is great...his music is laid back and mellow...his first cd, brushfire fairytales is hands down his best cd...amazing!!! -danielle-

Anonymous said...

I think our whole family would have to agree with Danielle on Jack Johnson. . . As for Matt Costa, haven't heard of him but I wouldn't mind a copy.

Anonymous said...

I recommend Jewish Reggie singer Matisyahu. His song "King without a Crown" is amazing

--The Gr3g

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Greg, I downloaded the album the other day. It's just good stuff.

Anonymous said...

Jae and I have been listening to the walk the line sound track. Joaquin and Reese do a pretty good job.

Anonymous said...

I hadn't listened to Jimmie's Chicken Shack for a while, but I just downloaded an album and it's really good.

Anonymous said...

I downloaded the new chili peppers song "Dani California", if the rest of the new album sounds like this song, it's gonna be awesome!

Anonymous said...

Hey Nate!!! check out Alexi Murdock. He's a singer/songwriter in the same style as Matt Costa and Jack Johnson. I'm also curious if anyone has the new Placebo album. I heard it was good, but wanted a second opinion before picking it up.


Anonymous said...

If any of you like folk music, or just music that is intricate and quiet, I happened upon a trio of women called The Wailin Jennys (no, that's not a typo) I really like their sound and downloaded some of their stuff off itunes already. Chris doesn't love it....but he doesn't hate it either. It's not soft rock if that's what you're thinking. More like bluegrass, folk mix, good stuff.

Anonymous said...

I read today that weezer is "done" try not to kill yourself MARK

Anonymous said...

Mars Volta has an album coming out on the 22nd. I read that John Fruciante contributed a lot of guitar work. I just heard "Viscera Eyes" and it was pretty wild. If you are into Prog Rock, you might want to check it out.


Anonymous said...

Kind of embarassing to admit, but I was listening to this song today and was getting into it, then I realized it was sung by Paris Hilton. I'm so ashamed!

Anonymous said...

I finally heard Matt Costa, I know I'm behind on the times. It's good stuff. Thanks for the recommendation

Anonymous said...

Just heard "all sparks" by Editors. It's a pretty good song, with an eighties style, kind sounds like The The, or a grittier Psychodelic Furs.


Anonymous said...

Has anybody heard of Florez? Good rock music, nothing hard, but not pop.

Anonymous said...

snow patrol "eyes open"
Jae let me barrow it. for the older folks its pretty grovie.

uncle ron

Anonymous said...

who hasn't heard of DETHKLOK yet?
it's sooooo metal!!
"How many of you folks like coffee?!"
it's so awesome!!
click my name

Anonymous said...

For the love of God! I have been going about this music section all wrong! Soooo I'm just reading that mark and the cravin family want a copy of some matt costa stuff! well, IM ON IT haha. So it's a couple years late but im sending it out to you guys anyway. Oh hey Greg Alexi Murdock is cool, if you like him check out Donoven Frankenrueter. Yup thats right you heard me, his name is Donoven FRANKENRUETER. In fact, im adding him to the matt costa bundle going out to mark and the cravins to make up for the fact that its about a year late or so. Anyway, i also have a "nates pick" los lobos triple Cd where i put together 3 CDs' worth of my favorite los lobos music that includes a number 3 covers cd and a bonus 4th disc of their spanish stuff. sooo if anyone wants me to burn that collection for them i promise it wont be a year late! Anyway here is a list of music i have been listening to a lot lately and you are all going to laugh. I have been listening to a bunch of kingston trio! they were great!! Elvis, (his early stuff, not fat cant fit in this outfit elvis so much) also pretty good. discoverd a new jim croce cd with lots of unreleased songs, its really great i think you all should download box number 10, its a great song! Glen Campbel is in my heavy rotation with songs such as wichita lineman, gentle on my mind, and of course rhinstone cowboy which i used to hate but have grown to actually like that song. john denver is getting muchos play from my cd player as well. that guy was awsome at picking guitar. sooo yeah i have been gettting into old country/folk. oh and of course anything smashing pumpkins or grunge for that matter. anyway, this is really long so ill end it for now! ill be sure to add some new music in the future.
the nate

Anonymous said...

The new Springsteen album Magic is pretty good. Got it for christmas.

Anonymous said...

another album you might try is Dire Straits "Making Movies" It's a good alblum great songs like "hand in hand"

Anonymous said...

have any of you guys heard of Pepper. They're a group from Hawaii, sound kind of like Sublime. Some of their lyrics are -- well -- not for kids, but theire sound is really cool.

click my name for their website

Anonymous said...

This is a great post. I like to hear music I haven't heard before, so I appreciate all the links. As for myself, I've been working on a project: converting my old LP's to mp3. I have only done about 20 so far, and I don't think I will make it through the whole pile. Two of my favorite so far are Mississippi Fred McDowell and Elton John's second (I think) album.

Anonymous said...

it would be cool to hear some of that music you've converted. I'm looking for a way to add a music player to this site, but so far I haven't found one that's compatible without overhauling the template.

Anonymous said...

Greg would like to thank Nate for burning him People in Planes-- very interesting

Anonymous said...

Glad you liked that Greg! i bought that CD before they even had a video now they are getting kinda mainstream. Hey I think you guys should check out the (Yeah Yeah Yeahs) its a cool punk band with crazy asian lead singer named Sandra Oh. Also for Mike i recommend (Ozomately). They are a cool latin/english band that opend for Los Lobos a lot. They are a very versatile band. Laura really likes Amy Winehouses' Back to Black). Shes ok im not a fan but i think some of you might like her stuff.

Meneses said...

Hey Meneses peoples,
check out the Gorillaz, they are pretty cool. Shaky Shakira is cool too! Anything with my boyfriends Brandon Boyd or Anthony Kiedis is great too. Shhhh dont tell Nathan! Nathan and I are fans of Bill Whithers. So for now i recommend those bands and people :) Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

that last post was from The Lo (Laura-San) and she also likes Brittney Spears, Sonic Death Monkey, Hansen, Butthole Surfers, and Fallout boy. Just kidding she hates all those bands!

Meneses said...

hey mike i have another perry for you to check out, Linda Perry from the 4 non-blonds. there one and only Cd is actually really good

Anonymous said...

the 4 non blondes was the first CD that I ever bought, the whole thing was really good. "Train" was a great song with really cool harmonica.
As for Ozomatli, I think Mike told me about them a while back and I downloaded a bunch of their songs. They have a song called "coming war" which is pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

Karen O of Yeah Yeah Yeah's is asian? what a freak! Anyways, "Maps" is a great song. Here are some spansish songs that I like.

Lucha De Gigantes-by Nacha Pop
Me Van a Matar- Julietta Venagas
De Perros Amores-Control Machete
La Cumbia Del Garrote-Los De Garrote

Also you may want to check out Molotov- they are a really hard Mexican group- really hard, a mixutre of hard rock, rap and some traditional mexican stylings

Anonymous said...

Hey Greg,
good picks on the spanish rock, I hadn't heard of Los del Garrote.
I would also add Juanes, Mano Negra (mike's pick) and a defunct band called Los Estramboticos.

Also I'm currently working on a new blog for music. It's up right now but I have nothing on it yet.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't intending to break any records by reviving this post, but it just may happen anyway.
I was just adding this commment to mention that I'm going to be adding music to the playlist at the bottom of the homepage. I really like what I've heard from Ernie Halter, just wanted to pass it along.

Anonymous said...

I've downloaded some of the tracks of the new Mary J Blige album, pretty good, and I usually always like her stuff. I also got for Christmas the Across the Universe soundtrack. It's a double album of beattle covers (as the movie was an entire movie of people singing beattle covers). I don't really like the beattles, but they were great song writers and hearing their songs in different arrangments, sung by different people makes me feel completely different about them. Even you die hard beattle fans should check it out. Also watch the movie if it ever gets released, I liked it enough to watch it again.

Anonymous said...

hey alli, you might like the album cathi and i bought for our columbian friend. It was a compilation of Cuban artists doing Beatles songs: "here comes el son"

Anonymous said...

Come on music lovers, one more comment is all we need for a new all-time record. Just don't mention the Butthole Surfers again.
People who have iTunes should check out the free tunes they give each week. They promote new artists, particulary latin artists. I noticed that I had downloaded free songs from a few of the groups on this page during 2007--Editors, Ozomatli.

Anonymous said...

alright, well here is the record breaker. First, happy birthday day. Second, I have to agree with you on getting all the free downloads possible. Itunes gives you free stuff, Imeem has free Joss Stone right now. Coming soon is a program called Qtrax -- it's legal peer 2 peer, they are in the process of inking deals with the record companies. Keep an eye out for it. Also alot of bands on myspace give free downloads - or hey used to, just one more thing to check out. Has anyone used the playlist yet?

Anonymous said...

I used the playlist twice. It made my Safari crash both times. Now it has stopped appearing.

Anonymous said...

I'll have to look into if there is a way to change the coding for safari, that's a bummer.

Anonymous said...

I don't know how to add songs to the playlist- but it's not an offical Meneses Playlist until it gets a little Bad fish on it

Anonymous said...

To add a song to the playlist you log into to Imeem (using the same login for the blog), then you search for a song or artist. when you pull up the song you'll click on "playlist". After this you'll see that Meneses Playlist is selected and you click "Add". While I was typing this I added Bad Fish -- good call on that one.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mark cool idea, hope you don't mind i was experimenting with it and added a couple songs from some bands laura and i like. muse, modest mouse, ween, phish, los lobos, the raconteurs, people in planes, fastball, the smashing pumpkins. anyway cool site! and your matt costa cd is in the mail, just kidding but its done! whats the best way to get it to you :)?

Anonymous said...

good add on with that badfish add mark and greg, but no dylan mark? no nin darth gregulator?

Anonymous said...

oh i'll add some dylan, i just wanted to give other people a shot too. I think we can rotate the order every few days too to kep it fresh.

Anonymous said...

is there a limit to the amount of songs we can have on the playlist?

Anonymous said...

I don't think so, we can also have multiple playlists. So add all you want.

Anonymous said...

I just added some Stone Roses to the playlist. This was back when "alternative" was alternative.

Anonymous said...

good choice on the stones mark! Ron, no Boss????

Meneses said...

I added a tune by Brett Dennen, maybe you guys would like him

Anonymous said...

Has anyone ever heard of the Expendables? They're in the same vein as sublime. I've heard a few of their songs and right now I like 'em.

I also like Ian Moore right now, or at least a couple of his songs.

Anonymous said...

Mr. jackson brown, Los Lobos, and John Hyaitt, are pretty good to listin to on a rainy day. and best palm music Senior Jimmy Buffet live at Fenway Park.

Go Red Sox

me said...

those were some nice older tunes from way out there back east. I had to add some Jackson Browne and John Hiatt to the playlist.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mark, if you could put the Boss's Girls in their summer clothes. That would be a nice song to end the summer with. And maybe boys of summer by Don Henly if it's not already on here??