Any Ideas??

Every once in a while I like to ask people if they have ideas to improve the blog. Is there something that we can do to make this site better, more functional, or more entertaining? I like to check out the site meter at the bottom of the page, so I can see that traffic here has been increasing over the past few months so I just wonder what would you like to see change on the blog? Are there any features that you would like to see added?

Also, just a reminder that Easter is earlier this year. We are now at about 5 weeks until Easter Sunday. Are there any big plans this year??? If so please let us know here, or at least post pictures when the big day arrives.


Anonymous said...

I have always wanted a website that gave me an M&M everytime I clicked on a button or picture!!

Anonymous said...

i think it would be cool to have some kind of family directory information area. people can leave whatever updated information they want so other people in the family can view it. like phone number, myspace page, email, home address, mailing address. that type of thing. so my suggestion is maybe a family directory that can be updated at anytime. This is nathan grimsley and i approve this message!

Anonymous said...

how about a family tree?

Anonymous said...

hey nate,
you've given me an idea with that. We can create basically like a profile for people and link to it. Not everyone will want to have their info up on the internet, so we may have to limit what goes onto it. It's something really worth looking into, maybe we can find a way of making it secure so that only certain people can view it.

The family tree is also something I've been thinking about. It would be nice for the new generation to have something they can access.
Thanks for the input.

Anonymous said...

how about a family tree with links on the names that take you to the person?

Anonymous said...

okay so I created a new site for the Meneses Directory, right now it's blank. It's set up so that only authors can view it, because of this I sent out invitations to to become an author on this blog to most of you. If you didn't get an invitation, you can email me and let me know so that I can send you this, or you can log on with the Meneses log-in. The website is (ready for it)

From there we can figure out how we want to go about posting the directory.

Anonymous said...

How about an Officer Scraps location map? So we can trace the migration of Officer Scraps' ladies...

Pedro el Perro

the nate left a good message, for me to poop on!!

Anonymous said...

I think i found a website to build the family tree on. Look for it soon.

Koontz fam said...

Mark, I finally got to check out the playlist. I love it. Gives me good ideas for my Ipod. Thanks.