Family Directory

Thanks to Nathan's idea, I've put up a site for the family directory. There is a new link in the sidebar to take you there. Right now it's basically a blank page, but soon I'm hoping we'll have information out there. Now the website will require you to log in with an author's name. This can either be the Meneses log-in or you can have your own. I sent out quite a few invites and if I get more email adresses I'll send more.
What I'd like to know is how we would like the info presented. We could either put the info into one big post, much like (and probably using most info from) the directory that Susan puts together and mails out. The other thing that we could do would be to have people submit their own information as posts.
One more option would be to have separate categories for addresses, emails, myspaces/online photo albums, etc.

So keep posting ideas for how this might work best. One good thing about everyone having to log-in to this site is that you'll also have the abilitiy to edit posts or any other aspects of the site, so if there's something you want added or removed it should be easy to do.

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