good news from boston

Hey everyone on the west coast-

Kevin and I have made a very important decision we are coming out to california in a little over a year we are planning on a trip may 21-may 31!!! it will be right after kevin's graduation and we are both really excited, but he is nervous to meet you you better be nice:-p we are planning on buying our tickets in april so please let us know if this is not a good time...i can't wait to see everyone and it will be a nice to finally introduce kevin to all of you. I can't wait, i wish we were coming out this may

love you all-
danielle and kevin


Josue's and Andrews birthdays are on april 2 and 13. there party is planned for the 8th.. there will be bounce house, Bbq, Music, fishing derby for the little one and Piniata. we look foward to seeing you.. INVATIONS WILL BE IN THE MAIL. .. CALL or RSVP IF YOUR COMING..
we hope to see Codey, Cage and Quartnee there.
The theme will be firetrucks

Meneses Boys

Happy birthday Gabe, your the tallest freakin McLeprechaun I've ever seen.


Grandpa's Birthday Party

Big News!!! Grandpa Art is turning 80!! There's going to be a party in Woodville at Jim and Elvia's house, and of course everyone is invited. I don't have the exact date and time right now, but I will shortly. So be thinking about it. You can call Elvia or Connie for more details or look here for them.