Fall Plans

Hello to everyone!

I am writing to let you know I have accepted a position in Seoul, Korea to teach English at the Dongsung ESL School, a private language institution. The offer was too good to pass up. They are offering a one-room apt., a round-trip plane ticket, health insurance, as well as a similiar pension plan here in the states, although taxes including health care will be 11% of my monthly salary. The contract will be for one-year, and we will play it by ear.

Hope all is well.

Little Art


Anonymous said...

Good luck, are you going to stop in Cali on your way to Korea? Can you check out the nuclear situation in N. Korea while your there? Maybe we should all be planning to move to Maine.

Anonymous said...

hey man good luck out there. when do you plan to leave? Hopefully we'll see you here before you head out.

Anonymous said...

I am keeping track of all the details concerning the nuclear situation, but it seems on the South Korean side, relations are decent. But I will try to keep abreast of the situation. You should move to Maine,we need the variety. I will need to see what the situation will be about heading to CA. I may be scrambling getting things taken care of. Something to think about.

Little Art

Meneses said...

Thank you!

Could it be possible to email me phone numbers and addresses from the family? I have misplaced many of these. My email is artygolightly@hotmail.com.


little Art

Anonymous said...

I also want to add my good wishes and hope that you can make a stop in the Big Valley on your way to Korea. Aunt Connie

Anonymous said...


Situation has changed due to missile crisis. I will not be heading to Korea. I will be in Maine, seeing what happens.

I am ok with it, frustrated, blah, blah, blah. Ok, look foreword to hearing from you all.

Little Art

Koontz fam said...

Hey Art,

Anymore updates. Sorry to hear about your change in plans.
