Summer Entertainment

Put your movie and book reviews for the summer season here! Sad to say I've only seen one movie this year -- Pirates 2. It was alright, not as good as the first one, and a lot more disgusting.

On books - a very good read was "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult. So-so's have been "Any Place I Hang my Hat" and "A Virtuous Woman".

Comment here or email me and I will publish.



Anonymous said...

can't say i have seen many more movies then you have and the sad things is that Elias nephew stood us up to watch pirate's 2. watched the break up, really funny.

Anonymous said...

We've seen xmen and DaVinci Code. Both were good. And, we went bowling once, that was fun. Why was summer so much more fun when we were kids?

Anonymous said...

because we didn't have jobs and we were out of school, dummy.
Oh, and we're going to see Pirates in about 45 minutes so don't spoil the end for us.

Anonymous said...

that was a rhetorical question you moron.

Anonymous said...

are you sure summer wasn't so much fun when we were kids, because we didn't care about the heat and had a ton of cousin's around to get in trouble with?

Anonymous said...

you may be onto something susan

Anonymous said...

but your still a moron Mark

Anonymous said...

Me and the kids (John & Jae)
saw nacho libre. i laughed from the moment i sat down to the time it ended. It will be a classic just like the three amigo's.

Anonymous said...

If anyone gets me for christmas i want Nacho Libre on DVD.

Anonymous said...

Greatest movie ever!