
Alli Sent This To Me

I Have Moved

Hello Everyone!

This is Little Art. I have finally made my move back to the Boston area. I work for the Cambridge Public Schools in Special Education. I love it! I finally had to do this, or else I think i might have felt very stuck in Maine. I needed some more things to do like the arts, theater and a wider variety of people! So, if anybody is heading out East, let me know, and I can help you out. My tentative plan is to visit you guys this Christmas, since I haven;t been able to make it out there this past year. I want to make it a yearly thing.

Ok, I look foreword to hearing from you all!


Little Art

It's a..... Wait, we don't know yet.

Hi everyone! The Craven family wants to let you know, in case you haven't already heard.... We are expecting our third child! We are really excited about it, especially Connor. Jack went into a deep depression and a rebellious stage when he heard he is now a middle child, but he's getting past it. My due date is March 8th, and we can hardly wait.

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so here it is. This month has been especially fun I have cuaght a lot of fish and shot a lot of birds. and I went to a fun footbal game (even though the dogs lost)