It's a..... Wait, we don't know yet.

Hi everyone! The Craven family wants to let you know, in case you haven't already heard.... We are expecting our third child! We are really excited about it, especially Connor. Jack went into a deep depression and a rebellious stage when he heard he is now a middle child, but he's getting past it. My due date is March 8th, and we can hardly wait.


Meneses said...

Its going to be a boy - we need him for the baseball team were making

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! I look foreword to seeing everyone!

Little Art

Anonymous said...

My Grandmother told me once that I was NOT a baby factory, I believe this information/advise should now be passed to you. Just keeping with family tradition. By the way what am I supposed to do with all of these darn cats?

Luv ya,