I Have Moved

Hello Everyone!

This is Little Art. I have finally made my move back to the Boston area. I work for the Cambridge Public Schools in Special Education. I love it! I finally had to do this, or else I think i might have felt very stuck in Maine. I needed some more things to do like the arts, theater and a wider variety of people! So, if anybody is heading out East, let me know, and I can help you out. My tentative plan is to visit you guys this Christmas, since I haven;t been able to make it out there this past year. I want to make it a yearly thing.

Ok, I look foreword to hearing from you all!


Little Art


Anonymous said...

It's good to hear that you are happy in your new place in Boston. It'll be great to see you at Christmas there's a lot of catching up to do.
What do you want to do while your in town?

Anonymous said...

Hi, I just want to basically hang with the family. I am not quite sure what my budget will look like, but I will have a chance to mull it over. We will talk soon.

little Art

Anonymous said...

i don't know how the whole distance/time thing, but i'll be in New York City on October 12th. let me know if there is anyway we can get together.


Anonymous said...

Hi Susan,

Well, I will have to see. What will you be doing in NYC? There is a Chinatown bus that goes there cheaply. Give me some details, and we cna maybe work something out.


Anonymous said...

Art, things have been crazy and i'm sorry i haven't been on the blog. i had to change my flight to December 7th due to interview that could not be re-scheduled.

We, Elias is coming to, are just going to visit a friend of our. my parents bought me the ticket for my birthday. no air fare or hotel, i was a must!
