Rons cat hits hard times

It had been 3 months since we saw Ron's second oldest cat, Officer Scraps. It was his huge blow up argument with Ron, over spilled kitty litter that led to his running away. Scraps had always been a troubled cat who often times turned to criminal activity as an outlet to his inner cat-rage. He had also had a troubled and angry past, violent in nature. It wasn't rare for him to play mean tricks on the other cats like, hide their socks, or dress up like a big mouse and hide behind the couch ready to pounce, or put their paws in a bowl of warm water when they slept to make them wet their kitty beds. It was a whirlwind cycle, a downward spiral, which he never recovered from. The whereabouts of Scraps had been unknown since his runaway.........until today when i opened up the Bakersfield paper and saw a wanted picture for this cat ; OFFICER SCRAPS, Ron's runaway cat. If anyone sees Scraps approach him with caution, he should be considered armed and dangerous. He is wanted for the murder of 4 unsuspecting men that he brutally attacked in the parking lot of a seedy strip joint. Do not try to apprehend Scraps to bring back to Ron, or you might become his next victim!

UPDATE: I was looking through some old photos and found a baby picture of scraps. . .


Anonymous said...

I don't know which picture is funnier, Ron's Cat or Nate's crazy spy dog.

I wish I had Conan's "if they mated" device.

aunt_maria said...

Ron, I feel your pain. You know it may not be too late,there's always therapy. Let us know what we can. do.

Love ya man!

Anonymous said...

So, you're saying if any of us happen to be visiting one of Bakersfield's seedy strip joints, we should carry a bottle to throw at any lurking cats? That will distract Scraps long enough to make an escape. But the upscale strip joints are safe, right, Ron?

Anonymous said...

I kept telling you your cats were closet catnippers, but you just wouldn't believe. I will carry around my cataholics anonymus info just incase I run into Scraps. Also, was he drinking wine or hard liquor? Does this make a good marinade? I know a desperate taco truck owner.

Meneses said...

Ive seen the cats, the were at my house till about 4 those cats can drink!!! the left town without telling me, took some cash and a pocket knife.

your cat owes me 5$

Anonymous said...

Well people, it's official...Our family is crazy.

Anonymous said...

Doug has substantiated a rumor I heard through the grapevine (the ones around Delano). It is rumored that Scraps was challenged to pick on someone his own size, so ... Flea beware. Scraps is coming to a town near you.