Blackstone has a Run - In with Officer Scraps

The sad tale of Officer Scraps took another turn last night. Scraps hopped into the Koontz' yard while looking for a place to hide out. Blackstone tried to apprehend him, hoping that a reward of a new doggie bone would be presented to him for bringing down Bakersfield's most notorious cat. After a brief struggle, Scraps managed to elude Blackstone by kicking a soccer ball high in the air. In the violent exchange Blackstone suffered a severe lacerationto above one of his rear paws, but is said to be in stable condition.
The whereabouts of scraps continue to be unknown.


Anonymous said...

So that explains that patch of cat hair on Blackstone's pillow yesterday.

Anonymous said...

While visiting with Blackstone recently, he told me that he is keeping that cat hair as a reminder of his failure to apprehend that feline felone. He says breathing in that scent will help him stay alert so that he can instantly recognize Scraps should he ever return. He also mentioned that he is trying a new strategy. He will breathe in Scrap's scent in an attempt to become one with the cat. He really feels that this will help him anticipate Scrap's next crime spree.
Be warned, cat!!

Anonymous said...

I have to report that I also had a run-in (wait, it would be more accurate to call it a run-over) with a cat in Bakersfield. Don't think it was Scraps. It was wearing a collar that said "If found, please return to"...a Bakersfield address followed. I thought it would be ironic to actually, well you can guess what the ironic thing would have been. But I didn't recognize the street listed on the tag, and decided it was not worth looking up on the GPS of the EXPENSIVE import that I imagine myself driving.

Anonymous said...

Blast the Scraps!!!