The Gift and Love of Music within the Meneses Family......Just an Idea!

Just throwing this out there to see what type of response i get and what you guys think............Ok here's a pretty crazy idea that has been kinda running through my mind lately that i think would be great to do ( though I am not sure if its very feasible at all). I believe that music has been a huge part of many lives within the Meneses family and I am convinced that it has brought many of us closer to each other as we grew up in Woodville. I think we can all remember all of the things we did together which include but aren't limited to the many different trips, concerts, marchings, competitions, playing in church, and other things that we did together because of music. We have all been part of great programs which have given us great experiences together. Do you guys remember the feeling of winning Selma or Visalia as a Marauder? I'm sure if we sat and talked about different things that we have experienced in music we could talk for hours. For example, I can still remember an instance where we were marching around Woodville, as we did often in practice for a marching competition, and getting to the Sams house only to see Landons two box turtles in the middle of the street after they had escaped from his backyard. I think there was a time where all of the Grimsleys and Smiths were in band (either Monache or Woodville elementary) at the same time. I remember playing in Larry Sams church band with all you guys too and that was always great, and i actually miss that sometimes. So my thought has been that it would be really cool if we could all get together, dust off the old instruments, practice a few hymns, maybe Christmas songs, and when were comfortable with our awesome skills, record! I think if we put our minds and efforts together we could do something super cool with this, have a lot of fun and create a family musical CD for our parents, kids and ourselves. I'm sure people would be willing to let us use enough equipment to do this, like Scott and his four track recorder, Larry Sams with instruments and a place to play, anyone with a computer to make the CD, anyone who would want to make a video recorder of our day of music. I think it could turn out great. So the players I'm interested in getting in on this project would be........Carolyn-clarinet, Mike-percussion, Allison(Butch)- Trombone, Mark-Sexyphone, Scott-Trumpet, Nate-Sexyphone, Dave-percussion, Doug-Trumpet, Larry Sams- saxaphone, trumpet, whatever he wants :), Purvy Sams-organ, piano, Chris Craven-guitar, John Meneses-Guitar, Jae Meneses- Piano, and anyone else who would want to be a part of this project would be more then welcome. We could create a song list, practice until were comfortable, then record. Anyway, this is just an idea that i know would probably be pretty tuff to pull off especially with all the varied schedules, family situations, and living distances. So if anyone else out there thinks this would be cool, fun and actually possible then start blogging :) If i mispelled any of your names to bad, I suck at spelling!


Anonymous said...

well i'm down for this. maybe one thing we can do is to actually pick out songs, then send out copies, so that way people can practice on their own, in case it's hard to get together to practice. Who's idea was this??

Meneses said...

oh this is a nate idea :) but yeah that was what i was kind of thinking. i think my old music hymn book that we used to use for saxaphone. we might even be able to download the music sheets for each instrument, ill look in on this.

Anonymous said...

Jae can play the flute too

Anonymous said...

don't forget mike. I think he still has his instrument. I think this is a great idea. Mike also has been learning how to run a board at church, so he might be able to help with the recording.

Anonymous said...

And dude! I totally remember the turtles! Just reading that made me laugh. And how about playing Christmas songs on the Sams front porch?

Anonymous said...

so any ideas on songs yet?
I think Christmas music would be easy to get our hands on

Anonymous said... this website has a lot of free sheet music, it's written in SATB, but we might be able to use it.

Anonymous said...

i looked some more at that Christmas carol website, and they actually have free printable sheet music for most instruments.

Anonymous said...

of course i included mike, i had him down as percusion but if he would rather do the sound board that would be totally cool!! anyway yeah we should see who would be in for this project. and christmas songs would be cool! it would be great if by next year we had a meneses christmas musical cd that we could give out to family, and friends. so im down with the christmas songs! so lets see who we can get, come up with a song list and start planning this out! it would be great! Silent Night is my first contribution to the song list :) anyway look forward to hearing more responses from all of you!

Meneses said...

soooo jae, are you going to play flute for us? :)

Anonymous said...

well, i'm down with doing songs in addition to Christmas songs. It might be cool to be able to make a Christmas album and another maybe non-christmas.????????
this really sounds like it will cool. i'll be happy to help out however i can, for now I've got to learn how to play sax again

Anonymous said...

I think this is such a great idea. Hope you all can do it. I'm already looking forward to this,
