The New Lord of The Ring

Congratulations to MEEEEEE!!!! I finally broke through and got a win in the Lord of the Rings Risk game on christmas eve night 07. The players were Mike, Greg (who di very well for his first LR risk game), Red Beard, and Me(nate). Mike had a really strong game and would have won if he would have been able to roll high enough to move the ring to the ending position, but he wasnt able to so i was able to sweep through his depleted armies and end my turn and roll high enough to move the ring to end the game. Due to the fact that i NEVER win I had to make a posting and let everyone know i finally got my first and probably last win in Lord of the Rings Risk. THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!!!!


Anonymous said...

i'm just sorry i wasn't there to start a risk game on christmas eve and end on christmas day.

Anonymous said...

All the epic Risk Games go 2 days!!!

Meneses said...

we need to get enough people for a weekend RISK game the Classic Version! Come on guys when are we playing next huh? huh? huh?