Merry Freakin Christmas!


Above: Walking the line to get into scraps gang
A MESSAGE FROM OFFICER SCRAPS : "Hey Meneses bloggers, YOU GUYS WILL NEVER CATCH ME!, Oh and um The Merry Freakin Christmas to you guyses. Also I am pretty sursesy that you guyses would like to know what im being up to lately, I mean especially since you guyses are like trying to catch me and send me to the kitty pound for the bad kitties! Actually i cant really tell you guyses what i have been up to becuase im like on the run and stuffs and doing some things. However, in my defenses, I don't believe that doing things such as you know, snorting the kitty nip, or make other meneses aminals chasing their tails and stuffs, or knocking over 32 bank of americas in three years should be illegal!! Anyways, I was hoping that for christmas maybe i could stuff some of your guyses pets into my stockings for christmas :)? Anyways, i like you guyses and hope you guyses have like good holiday cheering and you try not to get to cold. I mean im lucky because i was born with this furry suit. easy to wash you know, few licks here, few licks there and brand new! Except there was this one year you know i was freezing my freaking paws off. You know i wishes that this could just be a happy message but to be the truthful, this is also kind of a business proposal. I need some more people or pets to join my gang, I mean my company so we can do some things together! There is just one test to get into my gang, and that is to walk the line you know. Look at the picture above to see what i meanings. Anyway if you guyses want to join, or donate your pets to me go ahead and call ron meneseseses ok! So have a happy holidayses and dont forget to spay and neuter your aminals Or ill do it with a steak knife for you!!


Merry Christmases to you guyses



Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Senior Scraps, hopefully I'll see next time you are in Mexico. Just don't get drunk and try to eat me this time!! -Speedy Gonzalez

Anonymous said...

Buenos dias and Merry Christmas to all my familia, amigos,y companera and of course you goats from the Gato malo cafe/bar and shoe repair. Just want to say that this jear has been bery bery good to me, just like the besilball has been bery bery good to me. I hope desh finds jou in godd heelth and alive. looking forward to spending times with the love ones, PS my fur is no loonger smoldering and is going back. lob jou all, Gato Del Infierno

Anonymous said...

lob jou tu