Christmas Project

Hello everyone. I need to get everyone's help on something. I'm trying to put something together in time for the Christmas Eve party. Can I get everybody to email a picture of themselves to me? I promise they won't be used by any cats. My new email address is Thanks for the help, the sooner I get the pictures the better.

So I mentioned in the comments that I'm looking for individual pictures, but family pictures are also good. Doug asked me if they can be any picture, and sure they can be funny, formal, it doesn't matter as long as I get a photo of everybody. I've received about 11 photos so far. I also have some old photos on disks somewhere, but I'd like these to be photos that you submit instead of me just picking them. Again, thanks for the help on this.



Anonymous said...

can it be a family picture or do you need individual??

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping for individual pictures, but family pictures are fine also. Any pictures sent in are fine and will help.