New Year's Resolutions

I usually don't make them, but I was wondering if anybody in the family had a New Year's Resolution. I just finished reading the book "In the Heart of the Sea", a book I borrowed from my dad about the true story of Essex. It's the story that inspired "Moby Dick". Anyway, I liked the book so much that I'm making a resolution to read at least one book a month.
So let us know if any of you have resolutions of your own.


Anonymous said...

Our's is to get out of unnecessary debt!!!

Anonymous said...

My New Jeer's Rezalution is to drink 1000 bottles of Tequila. I still have 8 to go.

El Gato en Fuego

Anonymous said...

Deis jear I just hab jon request dat we can lib in jon peaceful gato nation and dat we can be not many gatos wit many stripes but jon Gato with jon stripe. Viva la cat nip.
El Gato El Presidenta

Anonymous said...

I am also working on getting out of unnecessary debt, but my # 1 resolution is to live a healthier life and beat Darrel at Scrabble.--Connie

Anonymous said...

You guys can all get out of unnecessary debt by sending 10 dollars to nathan grimsley for his 12 page pamphlet called, (A sneaky way to get "myself" out of debt.) :)

Anonymous said...

Nate, are you trying to get out of debt by selling your "pamphlet"?

Anonymous said...

well i read my book for January. A short read by Mark Twain called "The Man who Corrupted Hadleysburg".
I read it online in a couple nights.