Here are Some Old Photos

Okay so for some reason I was digging through old photos. There were a few that I thought I could post up here and to save space I made another slideshow. I haven't seen any Christmas photos yet so these will have to do for now.



Anonymous said...

Great job Mark.
Uncle ron

Anonymous said...

thanks uncle ron,
i have more pictures that i'm trying to find. I don't know if I like this way this video works though, I thought you'd be able to go full screen. Oh well, it's fun to play around with it and see what we can come up with.

Anonymous said...

for the love of god that must have been the worst combination of clothes ever.......... a black and white striped vest over a white shirt with no tie, topped off with a wicked awsome brown trench coat! I blame the style on Gabe who told me that trench coat goes with evertyhing haha. Carlos wedding, who remembers that? haha