Baby Smith Arrives

After 15 long hours of labor, Reese Vivian arrived. Cathi and Mark looked tired but great. Paxton was apprehensive about his little sister, but we know that will change soon. Congratulations Mark and Cathi on your lovely little girl. Approximate information: born at 7:55 pm on Jan 9th, 7 lbs, 9 ozs and 19 inches long. (I may be off on the weight.)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations.... I can't wait to meet her in person.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the happy couple for their new addition.


Anonymous said...

hey thanks for posting this. we are home now, and baby reese is doing well. see everybody soon.

Meneses said...

Congrats Moose and Catherine...glad to see the pics of your Family with your newest addition


Anonymous said...

Well Connie is in the lead for most grand childern. the breakdown goes as follows. Connie 7, Elvia 5, Maria 3, Wow whats worng with the guys in this family?? And the count continues.

Meneses said...

Don't forget Uncle Art Meneses who is a guy and has 1 grandchild. His youngest daughter Amnda Lynn has 1 child.


P.S. Art if I'm wrong let everybody know.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mark, whats your address so i can mail you here Go Giants One Piece? :)

Anonymous said...

my address is
1000 elysian way
los angeles california