New Dastardly Plot

Operation Meneses Shame is now in play. When you least expect it I plan on biting all you Meneseseses and have one of me minions take a picture of you and posting it. I'm telling you, becuzes I know I cantz be stopped.

Scraps out!!!


Anonymous said...

those are some of the best pictures i've ever seen.

Anonymous said...

This blog is fair and balanced! These two pictures balance out all those cute kid pictures we've seen in the past year.

Anonymous said...

so what do the not so cute kids balance out?

Anonymous said...

Please try not to apprehend either one of these two characters. Their both in cahoots with disgrace Office Scraps. The first goes by the dastardly name of Ojos Sorpresa and the other is know as Dientes Enorme. They will eat you before they ask you any questions. Tey can also kill with a look or a smile. Again be very careful. Detective Flatsquireonsideofroad.

Anonymous said...

It's true!! With my very own eyes I saw that dastardly Ojos Sorpresa eat my cousin Kinko "Mocos Grande" Jones and his two dogs Chico and Da Man--very disturbing

Meneses said...

To the person who took the picture of my beloved and wonderful son. Cruses, cruses on you. This is my handsome and my fourth favorite son! So as a Mexican mother who claims to be white, I will give the evil eye and cruses you forever. So here it goes. "May the bird of paradies fly up your nose. My the women in your life be plauged with runners in their hose. May an elephant caress you with it's toes. May the bird of paradies fly up your nose. (Oh by the way I always thought Nathan look excatley like his dad, only the Mexican version of him.

Anonymous said...

Wow even my own mothers taken shots at me, all while getting one in at my dad too!