Davids Breakfast Birthday Bash! August 23rd. You're all invited!

Brea wants everyone to come to her dads big Birthday Bash! We will be having a huge breakfast bash for Davids 30th birthday party on August 23, 2008. The breakfast will start at 9:00 am but feel free to come early. We hope that you can all make it, and if you have any questions feel free to call me anytime.
Elvia Grimsley


Anonymous said...

Hey greg i thought this breakfast was just a glorified version of our MR. Tortilla Face.

Anonymous said...

Um... Mr. Tortilla Face!!! I have no idea who that awsome superhero could be....Umm, I wish I was him,... but no, no I really don't know who his secret identity is!

Anonymous said...

Is david hijacking doug's birthday? And isn't this also Jim and Elvia's anniversary? Well anyway, I hope I can make it to celebrate whichever one.

Meneses said...

that guy is hijacking my birthday!!! what the %*&#! hes jelous cuase mines on a saturday
