Broadway Brett

Okay, it's official the JETS are going to win the Super Bowl!!
I would like a #4 jersey for Christmas this year.



Meneses said...

he should have went to tampa ha

Meneses said...

he should have stayed retired and went out on his fluke good season. well kind of a fluke, he did throw a game ending pick in typical farve fashion

Anonymous said...

he should have started his own team with only him on it. He would lead the league in sacks and TD's!!!!

Anonymous said...

I look better in green. Pewter was never my color...

I'm gonna kill Tom Brady in the first game of the season!!!

Anonymous said...

When the schedule came out and I saw the Chargers only home Monday nigher was against the Jets I thought it stunk, but now things are a little more interesting...

Anonymous said...

man i wish i could go to that game, but it would be very hard to make it to a monday nighter and make it back to work. Oh well, at least there's always ESPN.

So who's running the pool this year??

Anonymous said...

Work over Football? Sometimes I worry about your priorities.

Anonymous said...

Greg did you get your season tickets yet?

Anonymous said...

hecks yes I got my tix-- in fact I went to the 'Boys and Chaga's on Saturday-- Chaga's got more depth, but Dallas' starters look really good, special d-line & backers-- Pacman got burned though. I might have an extra ticket for the chief game, so letz me knowz