The Double Limit.....Also knows as the Doobley Doobley by Mike and Nate

It was another great day at belnap! There were a ton of fish and we both caught some huge trout. If the limit was 10 we would have been brought 20 fish home! Nates monster 5
Mikes monster 5


Anonymous said...

God Bless Belnap. It was fun to get out there today with Doug, Nate, and Uncle Jim. We all caught some good ones. I look forward to the next time.

Meneses said...

I still can't believe my fish got away with my stringer!!! Good Job on your fish Mark all three of them were pretty huge! Maybe our September camping trip will have to be at Belnap!

Anonymous said...

hey nate, looking at the football schedule, I'm thinking the first weekend of Sept.5-7th or the weekend of the 20th might be good. I'll ask around.