KMC Halloween

Just another day at work!!!


Anonymous said...

I don't know how to put this delicately, but...Is Aunt Maria dressed up as a wench?

Anonymous said...

Shiver me timbers- she aint no wench! there's a theme here! to the plank with ya! AAAAAAARGH!!!

Anonymous said...

Maria, I think you make a much better feminist pirate, than you did a punk, I mean punk rocker.

Anonymous said...

You know I really like doing this. Several departments do "group" themes. We had the Village people singing "YMCA", and Rock 'n Roll stars from the 60's with afros, wearing psycedelic colors. We march around the hospital for the patients and the families. There's a large bake sale with proceeds going to Relay for Health. We don't get much work done, but it is a really fun day.