Random Question of the Month

Here it is for November, the random question. It's a two-parter so think about it before you answer.

If you were a super hero (real or fictional) who would you be? And which family member would be your sidekick?


Anonymous said...

I would like to be the sidekick... Eskelelito, Ron of Course would be Nacho

Anonymous said...

I will be the Easy Rider, no doubt. Doug gets to be the crazy biker sidekick. We will look for Amerika.

Anonymous said...

i think I would be the Amazin' Moose who fights off villains with his super antler powers. Alli would be my slow, but slightly funny sidekick Capt. Canuck.

caroline said...

Well I was Wonder Woodville Girl for Halloween and I think I pulled it off pretty well. I would choose Aunt Maria to be my sidekick since she kicked butt for Get Out the Vote this past weekend.

Anonymous said...

I would be Sarcastic Girl, and Mark would be my pitiful sidekick, Dork Boy.
I don't know, is that too realistic?

Anonymous said...

I would be TAMALE Woman protecting all Meneses everywhere from Werewolves, vampires, and chupricabras with my supernatural garlic powers. Harrison would be jalepino boy (jou know, jest to kepe thins spicy!!!)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I would be Correct Man - I would know the right answer to any question that I was asked. Caroline would be my sidekick Crankoline cause she would be in a bad mood with me being right all the time.

Anonymous said...

Jim, this was supposed to be hypothetical.

Meneses said...

Im glad i get to be a sidekick and darrel if i had the cash id get a bike and we would tour around. perhaps we can get a sidecar do you think id still get to be crazy biker guy in that thing!

Anonymous said...

sidekicks definitely can ride in sidecars.