Mother Daughter Luncheon

Meneses Ladies, it's that time of year again! The luncheon is going to be on Sunday December 7th, afternoon. Invitations will be in the mail soon so save the date! We're looking forward to a fun day, and this year we will have another first-timer: Reese Smith.


Meneses said...

Im going to protest in front of the smith house on december 7th with a sign that reads feed the boys!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The boys are invited to the Koontz house - Jim has been practicing his some new recipes and picking out matching place mats!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to have mimosas at Casa Koontz.

Anonymous said...

i dont think i can be involved with anything where people are drinking mimosas. i'm joining the protest rally

Anonymous said...

and yet again, is anyone surprised why we don't even the guys?