Totally Not Random Q. . .

It's December, so it seems appropriate that we should have another not so random question asked to everyone.

What is your wish for Christmas this year?


Meneses said...

I wish that the man in the red suit who trys to sneak in my house every december finally leave something instead of taking one of my posessions! stupid santa!


Anonymous said...

I wish my dog would stop trying to dig to China. Hello!!! the olympic's are over.

~ Susan

Anonymous said...

I wish that Uncle ???(name withheld) would stop drinking all the wine! Save some for the rest of us. And watch out for curbs!

Anonymous said...

Let's be careful with all this wishing, people. I'll bet last year someone wished that houses didn't cost so much.

Anonymous said...

I wish that skinny pants weren't in style anymore. Bring back plaid pants and big brown bowling shoes.

Anonymous said...

If anyone could bring back those things it would be you Mark!