Random Question of the Month

Here it is!! The totally random question for December. (Cathi could probably write a book on this one)

What's the worst excuse you've ever heard/given for getting out of a ticket?


Anonymous said...

"I was trying to impress my girlfriend." is something I told an officer who stopped me for speeding thru a chicane... it worked

Anonymous said...

I told the officer I didn't know what my registration looked like. It worked!

Koontz fam said...

I never got out of a ticket before, until this past summer. I didn't have to say anything. The officer saw my whining, sweaty kids and let me slide! He even gave Everett and Sawyer stickers.

Anonymous said...

Most of the time, when I get stopped, I just get the ticket. I seldom have given excuses. My tickets are usually for speeding, and getting stopped just makes me mad because it means I will be even later for whatever I was late for. One time, however I was stopped by a CHP in Woodville, on my own block, on my way home from a pizza place. The officer looked at the stack of cooling pizzas on the front seat, commented on how good they smelled, and told me I better get them home before they got any colder.

Anonymous said...

I just move my driver's license to my badge wallet or put my jacket on. This has gotten me out of a fix it ticket and a talking on my cell while driving :-)

~ Susan

Anonymous said...

i was with alli when she used that excusse the funny part is she really didnt know what it looked like! and casey got the ticket infront of us! i got pulled over once and the chp asked if i was related to the Grimsley's in redding and i said "i dont think so" he replied, "thats probley a good thing slow down." david! GRIMSLEEZY!

Anonymous said...

People seem to get pulled over alot when David is in the car. I've been with David when Jared Sams got pulled over, when Cathi got a ticket, and when Tony Stevens got pulled over. I'm not going anywhere with you in my car.

Meneses said...

so greg told two huge lies to the officer. "girlfriend" haha

Anonymous said...

I've heard every thing from "i didn't see the speed limit sign or I really needed to go to the bath room officer or my speed odommeter must be off or I just got new tires and the larger than the old ones" or I've just started my period and you can follow me to the bathroom if you want proof" just some that I've heard.

PS it's good to see that professional courtisy is alive and well.

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