Christmas Events

So here's the news for Christmas events this winter. First of all, the tamale making day will be down in Shafter at Aunt Maria's house on the 21st starting at 2:00 (p.m. I guess?). Christmas Eve will be at Uncle Ron's house starting around 6:00/6:30. Like last year we'll be doing the DVD swap game. Only two people brought La Bamba last year, that was shamefully low and made the odds of getting it horrible. So it's just my suggestion that more people bring the greatest movie ever made about a Mexican-American music star that died at a young age.


Anonymous said...

2 pm on December 21st (Sunday) for tamales right?

Meneses said...

La bamba is the dad has watched it like 2000 times ha. I think Bob maybe one of the most believable characters ever, he should have won an oscar...everytime I see that movie he reminds me of the pictures of some of my uncles in the 70s and 80s ha.


Anonymous said...

yes, 2 pm on Sunday, December 21!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Im sick and tired of the mudder fluffin snakes on this mudder fluffin plane!