April Fool's

My April Fool's day joke is over. But beware! I hear there will be vodka at Susans wedding. Can I request the macarena already?


Anonymous said...

You can tell it really is Scraps, because it's wearing Ron's hat.

Anonymous said...

I think I saw a guy wearing that hat in our neighborhood. He might be closer than we think. AHHHHHHH!

Meneses said...

scraps is weak

Anonymous said...

Scraps ain't weak, but that hat is. I liked him better when he was downing vodka and running from SWAT teams

Anonymous said...

Office Scraps obviously has waaaaaay tooo much time on his paws. Shouldn't he be out there chasing robo-mice?

Meneses said...

scraps is weaker than the UKRAINE!!!

- cosmo Kramer