Trout Win in a Shut-Out

Here's to a Fun day of Fishing!


The Nate said...

There was a slight debate on whos article of clothing was responsible for our bad luck; Nates Giants shirt, or Marks Dodgers hat......I'd have to say it was The Dodgers hat combined with Dougs cowboy hat.

P.S. Stupid Poachers

Mark Catches NoFish said...

Well now I see what the problem was. Nate had a Giants shirt and a Padres hat! The fish were just too confused, Dodgers? Giants? Padres?

Next time I'm wearing a DiamondBacks vest.

Mark Catch ManyFish said...

Looks like Real fishing will begin last Saturday of April:
Trout Plants For the Week of 4/26/2009

TulareMiddle Fork Tule River

TulareNorth Fork of Middle Fork Tule River at Wishon Campground

TularePeppermint Creek

TulareSouth Fork of Middle Fork Tule River at Camp Nelson

TulareSouth Fork of Middle Fork Tule River at Ceder Slopes

Poacher said...

Please give me directions to Cedar Slope. All my buddies and I want to go.

Anonymous said...

I think the fish were just too dazzled by all that male splendor. All that manliness just made them very afraid. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it.

Anonymous said...

um yuck!

the fresh fish said...

Nate does look like he's spawning...

Anonymous said...
