Where were from?

Many people have asked me this and I have been embarrassed by not really knowing. Mark helped me out and let me know that grandma was from the state of tamaulipas. I've been having fun reading up on the state and checking out a map of it. if anyone else wants to see one of the maps you can check it out @ http://www.travelamap.com/mexico/tamaulipas_I.htm My next question that I was hoping for help with is, does anyone know the town grandma was from??? and what town in texas was grandpa from?

Thanks and anything else anyone wants to add or ask would be great



Anonymous said...

hey Doug, thanks for posting this. I remember interviewing Grandma once for a class, I just wish I still had those notes. If anyone has old pictures of Mexico or Texas it would be great to see them restored and put online.

Anonymous said...

Hi Doug,
Your grandma was born in the town of Rio Bravo which you can see on the map. To get from the Mexico side into Texas, we usually crossed at Hidalgo. Your grandpa Art was born in Harlingen, Texas. I think your mom was born there too. If you look at the map you will see that they aren't that far apart. I had a chance to talk to tia Olivia who has some knowledge of what happened during La Reforma, when grandpa Guerrero's holding were taken over by the government.