Family Tree

Hey everybody. The family tree project is coming along. It will be some time before I'm all done, but I think it will be pretty cool when it's all done. Anyone who is interested in helping just let me know, as soon as it's done I'll post the website so everyone can check it out.

Susan's Shower

Hey ladies just a reminder that Susan's bridal shower is right around the corner. If you haven't already called to RSVP, feel free to RSVP here! Reminder the shower is Saturday, March 7th at 3 pm at Aunt Maria's.

Oh The Books You'll Read!

Back by popular demand (or at least requested by Caroline), The Book List. If you don't recall this is the spot where you can review and recommend books that you've read lately. For some reason, people want to know what you've read, what you're reading, and what's good. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that books have no previews, which would surely make it easier for people to pick 'em out. That being said, I'm sure there are folks out there who have read interesting books and would like to share information here.

I'll change the sidebar links in the next few days, but for now here are some of the recent recommendations:

The Traveler's Wife
I Am America: And so can You
Through Painted Deserts

Here is the old list

The Random Question of the Month

Okay, here it is! The first post of the month is our random question. Thanks to Alli, some of the good ones we could have used are gone. So this will have to do:

What is your hidden talent?

my hidden talent is poetry,
i write bout da sun and rain and snowetry
give me some words an' some time
an i'll give ya diddly that's sure ta ryhme
it's a mad skill ya'll must confess
to talk so ripe and write so fresh!

I just had to bump that one to the front