Family Tree

Hey everybody. The family tree project is coming along. It will be some time before I'm all done, but I think it will be pretty cool when it's all done. Anyone who is interested in helping just let me know, as soon as it's done I'll post the website so everyone can check it out.


Anonymous said...

I wrote a limerick about a branch in my family tree...

My Grandpa Darrel is so cool,
He takes me swimming in his pool.
While he rides his new bike,
I'll ride my old trike,
and together the road we will RULE!

Anonymous said...

I am such a silly person, irealized this morning that after I left my house I forgot my purple underwear. I really need them today because I was going to the gym to flex my muscles, and the ladies love to stare at my purple uunderwear. so lesson learned don't ever foget your purple underwear

Anonymous said...

Jack is becoming quite the limerist. His writing has so much more clarity than his talking. He should always carry a pen around.

Anonymous said...

and you really want a family tree with this family??

Anonymous said...

It will have to be some sort of nut tree