The Random Question of the Month

The random question of the month was randomly posed in the tagboard. Let's move it up here and see what people have to say about this one:

"If you could changes places
with one family member
for a day, who would it be and why?"


Anonymous said...

For one day I wouldn't mind being being Greg and getting to hang out in San Diego. Or I'd be Jack for a day, because he seems like he's always having fun.

Anonymous said...

I think I would like to be Elvia. Not have to go to work, stay home, play in the yard. Yeah, I know every day isn't like that, but I'm only trading one day :>

Anonymous said...

i think right now I would be Nate or Laura chilling in Hawaii. Maybe just Laura, I heard she booked surf lessons with a fireman.....But any other time, I would be Sofia. She's so mean, and she totally gets away with it!

Koontz fam said...

I think I would be Cathi because I like her shoe collection and I wouldn't mind a day of Filipino cooking by her mom. Of course it would have to be a day she wasn't helping out with the roasting.

Anonymous said...

For one day I would like to be David... just so that I would know how horrible it is to be a Bears fan.

Anonymous said...

Today, I'd like to be Uncle Ben. I've always wanted to see Alaska.

Anonymous said...

I would need seven days one for each of my sisters and brothers, because they each are cool in thier own way, diffrent talents and strong points.

Anonymous said...

I would want Ron, Ya know because he's a leprechaun, then I'd still his pot o' gold!!! Ha Ha Ha

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't mind being Uncle Daryl for a day so i could take his hot red motorcycle for a sweet cruise around town!

Anonymous said...

I think I would like to be Harrison and have the power of deciding how to spend the MONEY!!!! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Anonymous said...

Today I wouldn't mind being Uncle Daryl for a day so I could take his hot red motorcycle for a sweet cruise around town!

hee hee hee

Anonymous said...

Today I would like to be anyone who is still sleeping at this hour and who will still be under the covers four hours from now and is getting paid lots of bucks.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to be uncle ron, just to see what thoughts run in his head at any given moment and to see if really thinks as much of those cats as everyone thinks he does