Nates First Fab Five Limit of the Season

Hey if you were a mobster Fish and you wanted to threaten another fish, what would you say that would be the equivalent to, "hey you want to be swimming with the fishes?"


Anonymous said...

Apparently, the effective threat would be "You gonna be floppin' on Nate's stringer, monkey fighter."

Meneses said...

Haha floppin on the stringer is a good one then you flipt it for real with the monkey fighter!

mark said...

that's a good looking stringer! I'm still not even on the board yet.

Meneses said...

what did you catch 'em on? Don't tell me the end of your line.

Anonymous said...

I would say "prepare to get forked, fish face"... cuz you eat fish, and they have fish faces...

Meneses said...

i would say... "luca sleeps with the humans"

mike said...

yousa rainbow? you gonna be a cutthroat

Anonymous said...

Mike that was the best answer ever! you should make a three part series of fish mobster movies called Godfishey or The Fishfather! haha Cutthroat that was the best