The Random Question of the Month

I thought it's been so long that somebody would randomly post the random question this month, but that hasn't happened yet. So here it is, my apology to those who aren't sports fanatics, but I know plenty of you out there are.

Who is your All-Time favorite Athlete?


darrel said...

We thought you were trying to pass off the Mother's Day post as the random question for May. Now we see that you were just slacking off.
But this is a great question! No harm, no foul! "Favorite athlete" isn't just a sports legend, or the greatest of all time, but someone who has meant something us. My all-time favorite athlete was Sandy Koufax. But I can't think of that lefty without hearing in my mind Vin Scully, because radio was how I got my baseball as a kid. I thought it was so unfair that Drysdale had a longer career with the Dodgers.

mark said...

For me, it would have to be Nolan Ryan. I hated him when he was an Astro, but when he went to the Rangers and kept throwing no-hitters into his late 40's I was blown away. I'll never forget seeing him pitch in Oakland in his final appearance there.

greg said...

Jim Thorpe- did everything, did it better than everyone else, and didn't really practice. An amazing natural talent,

david said...

walter payton, i didnt get to see him too much during his prime but from videos, and the little i remember seeing him, no one had as much grace, power, and talent. even to this day other then barry sanders no one runs like that. GO BEARS. and since my dad wont post this i will do it for him. jim would say willie mays. for not being a big guy, or steriod abuser he was unmatched. to hear my dad tell stories of him makes a guy like myself (who loves the game) want to play the game just like the say hay kid.

The Nate said...

Michael Jordan by far! In the begining of his career I hated Jordan! I hated how much better he was then everybody else! I also hated how he was so much better than larry bird, magic Johnson and isaiah thomas. But after years of watching him play and dominate his sport better then anyone had ever done before my opinion of Jordan changed! He became my favorite player to watch play basketball and my favorite athlete to watch in any sport! To this day most people consider Jordan better at his sport then any other athlete in any other sport! The tiger woods, lebrons, kobes, ruths and montanas all have to fight for second place! Most sports authorities would agree as far as sports greatness goes, there is michael jordan and then there's everybody else!

The Nate said...

Wait did I read this right? Greg, your favorite athlete was thorpe???

Anonymous said...

I bet you guys couldn't guess what carlos would have answered! Goooooooo barry sanders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mark said...

I do have to agree with Nate that Jordan was the most dominant athlete. And after he came back from baseball he was amazing to watch. I don't really consider myself a big basketball fan anymore, and that's probably Jordan's fault. He set the bar to high for anyone else to come close. Pierce and Kobe don't do it for me, and Lebron just doesn't have the same "stuff" that MJ had. But there is one that MJ never did -- beat the crap out of a whippersnapper like Robin Ventura!

Meneses said...

Ive come to realize that I cant really pick just one. Jerry rice might go on my all time favorite from any sport but there are soo many I have liked. And becuase of super tecmo I will always have a special place for derrick thomas and christen okoye in my heart...but many many others..mike tyson at his prime...vlad guerrero...will clark...ronnie lott...domonique wilkins...and thousands more

Meneses said...

and some of my uncles would say PETE rose so I had to put him up here for them

Alli said...

My mom had a thing for Eric Karros, meaning that whenever they showed him on TV she would sigh dreamily.....(also Joe Montana)

mark said...

Considering how things have become for baseball, I think Pete Rose may have a much better case for the hall of fame than ever before.

If you're going Tecmo Bowl, you've got to put up Bruce Smith and LT (the original). And since you mentioned Will Clark, then I have to give mention to Fernando Valenzuela. He was probably my favorite as a kid.

mike said...

I have to agree with Nate, I just read a big article about Kobe versus LeBron and just the fact that there is a debate on who is the better player shows that MJ was the best. But yeah I also look at baseball and although i never saw him play in real life the more i know about what his accomplishments were and how he did them Babe Ruth is my favorite baseball player. And as far as football goes, Joe Montana by far, he had jello for an elbow and still managed to win superbowls and that was way before they had QB sissy protection rules.

The Nate! said...

Haha I love how mike said joe Montana had jello for an elbow because that was so true! So I bet you guys didn't know that Montana was bill cosbys favorite athlete because of his jello jiggler arm! Cosby even tried to feature montanas right arm in a jello commercial but it was pulled during the shoot when bill made all the kid extras scream in terror when eating what appeared to them to be a human arm! But the real reason I am writing this comment was to ring in on super tecmo bowl which by the way just happens to be the greatest video game of all time! So it goes like this ( almost every season ), doug gimsley was Kansas city cheifs, mark smith was the buffalo bills, mike smith was the Miami dolphins, David Grimsley was the Chicago bears, gabe Meneses was the Dallas cowboys, Nate Grimsley was the Oakland raiders and carlos Meneses room was candlestick park where we would amazingly get through a whole season in one weekend! Though I do have to say it was only mike who could actually make it through a 52 hour session of tecmo bowl without sleeping! Those days in life were most def. Some of my favorite! By the way after beating gabe in a tecmo bowl game with the controller upside down and backwards I would have to say I was the Jordan of super tecmo bowl haha

Anonymous said...

You guys are taking this way to serious. My all time favorite athelete is um... Bret Favr. He's really HOT!!!

Meneses said...

hes going to look even hotter in viking purple hahahahahaha

Meneses said...

and nate you left out scott as the new york giants

The Nate said...

You can Never take Tecmo Bowl to serious! :) and yeah scott was the New York Giants and Greg played as the magic man and green bay packers. didnt mean to leave you guys out!

greg said...

actually i liked played the eagles in tecmo. even though i thought randall cunningham was over-rated in real life, in tecmo he was faster then most every one on his team and if you picked his play you could always bomb it down the field for 50 yards

mark said...

so who's bringing the nintendo to Christmas this year?

the nate said...

mark, IM ON IT

Alli said...

My favorite athlete of all time is Rod Tidwell. And here are my top three reasons:
1. He's got the qua
2. He's all heart my brothers!
3. He like to air dry.

Bulldog Butch said...


You are wrong for three reasons

1. He plays with his head, not his heart
2. He's gimicky
3.Your a moron

Me, of course said...

I find it odd that the fact Tidwell is a fictional character wasn't one of the 3 reasons why Alli was wrong. But I can't argue with the last reason.

Himsa said...

"Does Tidwell still play for the Cardinals?" (best commercial ever!)

The play where he gets knocked out... that's all heart! And using his head to land. But, that's different than playing with his head and not his heart.

doug said...


mark said...

The former ugliest man in basketball??? What did you like the most about him, was it the goggles??
You might as well have said Mark Eaton.

Meneses said...

Mark might as well had said manute bol!! hahaha

mark said...

Manute Bol? You might as well have said Shawn Bradley!! Or Big Country!!