Camping Picture

The Smith Clan got together for a camping trip this past weekend. We stayed at a cool place near Balch park. I'll add a couple more pictures to this soon. I'm looking forward to going again.

Camping trip in Late September or early October???

Hey guys! A few of us have thought it would be cool to get a huge family camping trip together so lets plan one. I think I'm going to reserve a site in late September or early October for two days. I'm not exactly sure where or what weekend exactly so i was hoping you guys could help me out. it would be fun to get as many of our family out there together as we can. I think it would be a great experience for the new generation as well as all of us old whipper snappers. anyway hope you guys chime in with your ideas on when would be the best time and where would be the easiest and funnest place to camp! anyway y'all hope to hear from you guys soon on this! Who's in on this??? :) lets get this started!

The big switch / camera malfunction?

Elvias body, Jims head? what's going on with my camera?

And still a good looking couple

Ummmmmm huh?

Don't hit him! her! him!

His hair still looks fabulous

Escaping A 110 Day

Who would have thought that Oxnard was nice?

It isn't a trout but this shovel nosed shark will have to do for now.

Zoey was not afraid to jump in the ocean for a stick

And She took Laura with her! Zoey -1 Ocean/Laura -0

They do exist

Here is a real picture taken from National Geographic's website. Ligers do exist, so do Tigons.
Do a quick google search and you'll find out.

The Random Question of the Month

Here is the first yes/no question posed here, although I doubt anyone will leave it up to just those two options. Half way into the month, this is your random question.

Are the best things in life really free?

Congratulations Greg!

Congratulations Greg Favereaux on winning your 15th Tennis Championship! See those grueling Tennis Matches we played in our backyard during the "Grimsley, Smith, Favereaux Olympics" really paid off for you!