The Random Question of the Month

If you had to move out of state, but could pick anywhere in the U.S., where would you go??


mark said...

I think I would go to Washington State, it's really pretty up there and I like the rain. Say goodbye to 100 degree, six month summer.

darrel said...

Branson, Missouri. Seriously, are you kidding? A little town called Captain Cook, on the island of Hawaii, is calling out to me.

doug said...

wyoming or colorado would be up there; simply for the fishing and hunting oppertunities...I also love the DC area that would be fun.....but all in all Ca is the greatest state ever made!!! minus our state government they suck.

Alli said...

yeah, i agree with doug! If I had to move away from Cali I would still want to stay on the west coast. So I would have to go with Oregon or Hawaii.

greg said...

is hawaii really west coast, I mean they have an ocean on the east side... anyway, Baja isn't a valid choice, but I'm picking it anyway.

aunt maria said...

I've seen a lot of different places and some were so beautiful I found myself gasping for air. But no state is perfect. Maine is gorgeous, but some months the bugs are so bad you can't see to walk through them. And those short winter days!!! That would be a punishement to me.

Loved Mississipi, but they've got those hurricans, and George has it's humidity.

I'd stay here in California. Move to someplace where it rains: up north, down to San Diego, or maybe even the coast. Yep, Californian is the place to be...

Koontz fam said...

If only Jim would take that Hawaii Bar, I would say Aloha!

The Nate said...

Like soooo many other people i would have to move to Hawaii. Oahu to be specific! There's every type of tropical scuba diving you could do, amazing surfing (home of the north shore), awesome deep sea fishing, and plus its gorgeous! Can't beat Hawaii!!

Anonymous said...

I would like to live in the Peaceful State of Imagination. Nothing but rest and relaxation, not a care in the world and nothing to get me down. I'd have a hut for all my family and their family and their famiy and their family...... But for now here with all of you is good enough.
El Gato Sentimento

Anonymous said...

Since Hawaii is the first choice os sooooo many, I will submit my second choice which would be New Mexico. They have some really beautiful places where you could find peace, quiet and beauty.

Anonymous said...

Green acres is the place for me. Farm living is da da da, Da, da, da, da. d, da, Darlin' I love you, but give me that country side.
Oh well, who cares about the words, you get the sentiment.

mark said...

I always thought Green Acres was just another name for Woodville in the springtime