Another question.

With the upcoming holiday season I thought Id ask this question..... Do you enjoy or stress over the holidays??



doug said...

I also think it fair to share my answer. I enjoy thanksgiving very much and it is very relaxing it seems to be no expectations and just time to enjoy your loved ones. I also enjoy christmas but it is sometimes a little more stressful than turkey day... I also dont really like the commercialization of christmas or even gift exchanges... It would be better I think if it were more like thanksgiving where the focus is soley on enjoying your family...TWo Turkey days!!!!!!!!

doug said...

oops I left out new years is ok...Time to reflect and at the same time be optimistic for the upcoming year...and also party like its 1999

Anonymous said...

I stress. My kids say I am a compulsive gift giver. I think in my other life I might have been related to Santa Claus.

aunt maria said...

I LOVE the holidays. And yes I stress. I WAY stress, but I think that's more of a personality trait than the holiday. I don't "spring" clean, I "holiday" clean. Gotta get everything ready.

I love being with the family. I love having family over. The more the merrier!

Alli said...

Work wise I stress, but I love the holidays. I love our family traditions and am glad we still celebrate them in one way or another. I love seeing my kids getting into the spirit as well. And, I love presents. Both giving and receiving! Hahaha. I mean ho ho ho!

Mark the Long Winded said...

As I've gotten older, I've come to appreciate Thanksgiving a little more than Christmas for a couple of reasons. One, is that Christmas involves too much work, it's not just one day anymore, but more like 3 or 4. Thanksgiving to me is also more of a spiritual holiday. It's a time to really think about life and celebrate what's important to you.
I do love Christmas season, I think as much for the religious aspect and the modern traditions, but the actual holiday is stressing.

Anonymous said...

I'm shocked by the answered and people may be shocked by mine. As crazy and time consuming as both thanksgiving and Christmas are, I'm not stressed. I have all my food shopping done a week before the actual day, 99% of my gift shopping done by December 1st and my cards in the mail the first weekend in December. I love everything about the holidays; all the shopping, decorating, baking, and especially watching others open the gifts I have put so much time into giving.

I'm sure a lot of my stress-free spirit comes from my OCD and my mothers drive to make the holidays a special time to spend enjoying the laughter of your family.

Susan 

darrel said...

Enough! Okay Susan, you can get over here and help me put up Christmas lights. Mark, just tell me what you want for Christmas. You, too Alli, and it better not cost too much this year because I'm gonna be retired by then living on a fixed income. Maria, you are too, too cheerful. Bob Dylan, your new Christmas CD better be good because Connie wants it. Anonymous, we know who you are, because you signed your note Susan.
Okay, Doug, have I answered your question?

Anonymous said...

Uncle Darrel is the scrooge! I will have to add a hat for him on my shopping list.

caroline said...

I think its funny that Doug and Mark say Thanksgiving is less stressful than Christmas - must be because you don't have inlaws who continually reject every dish you bring!!! Other than that, I love it all. I am especially looking forward to having lots free babysitting by my soon to be unemployed dad, so I can finish my holiday shopping, and take Jim out for hot chocolate - hahaha.

mark the long winded said...

Thanksgiving is easy for me, as long as there's a pumpkin pie and some whip cream, I am stress free. As for Christmas gift, why don't you just make it two Bob Dylan Christmas albums, make it easy on yourself.
And Susan, you are crazy but if it helps you get through the holidays than that's great.
And I can say that the stress of the holidays is usually worth it.

greg said...

Since I don't do much for the holidays, I have to say my answer is Enjoy. I pretty much, sit back, relax and enjoy the fruits of y'alls labor. Thanks a bunch and keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Greg - you need to help with the tamales!!!

Anonymous said...

Darrel and I were thinking back to our crazy-early-marriage-holiday -Christmas Eve-tradition. We would get up early in the morning, and I would go pick-up dad and we would head to Porterville for masa and doughnuts. Then around 4:00 we would head to Alpaugh or Corcoran (sometimes both) to see Darrel's grandparents, then around 9:00 we would head back to mom's. Sometime after midnight, we would leave and if Gene and Vivian were in Dunsmuir, we would head up there for Christmas. The holidays now seem almost tame...

mark said...

now those were the days, mom! I thought mine and Cathi's Christmas was nuts, you know driving a whole 15 miles between families.
Greg, since Susan has the little one cooking she'll be able to pick up your slack and do your share with the tamales. Keep doing what you're doing, look forward to seeing you this year!

the nate said...

I think when you're young the holidays are the best! I think holidays are meant for kids (in a good way)! i think that holidays are all fun and no stress as a kid. personally for me my favorite holidays were when Everyone would show up and grandmas for thanksgiving and christmas and when our whole family was still with us. I looked forward to hanging out with all my cousins and running all over woodville in the cold and ending up at the fire in the backyard with grandpa and carlos and whoever else was running in and out of the house. i also loved all the cool stuff grandma would make, like her chocolate, empanadas, Bunuelos, and eggnog! She would also have lots of regular food and treats! I liked how we would meet at larrys and play christmas music then walk around and sing christmas carols! I also loved the fact that we were off from school and could hang out all day with eachother! We would spend all day at grandmas playing tecmo football seasons! I also loved all the sports we would play in woodville in the cold. There was no school, now work, no worrying about getting ready for the holidays...just sit back and enjoy! Yeah those holidays were NO stress and the best! but with all that said. nope holidays dont stress me out at all still haha.