Personal Invition from Mr and Mrs Santa

To all far and near who are members of the famliy Meneses.
Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus cordally invite you to spend an evening at the
Grimsley home durning Christmas.
Time and date need to be decieded and what ever you chose to stuff
yourself with (food!).

Maybe some food from South of the Border.

The Santas themselves will make a personal apperance and will be more than glad to give
autographs and take pictures. (They are not at all humble). Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad to all you dudes and dudetts.


aunt maria said...

Oh how wonderful. I have been an espcially good girl this year :)

mark said...

that sounds really cool. I think my kids are ready to see Santa Claus this year. Pax may even go so far as to shake hands this time.

Connie said...

Sounds great, I think I even remember how to cook something with a south of the border flavor. Darrel and I are looking forward to being there. Let us know what we can do to help.

mark said...

I should have my tortilla making skills perfected by that time. or possibly mini fried burritos. I shouldn't post on a hungry stomach

Anonymous said...

so are we doing this on christmas eve?