The Random Question of the Month

In honor of November 22, Start Your Own Country Day:

If you started your own country what would it be like
and what would you name it?


mark said...

You could name it Cutlandia or Sanchezistan and give away 5 footballs every sunday

Greg said...

How can I compete with Marks answer, I can't, but How about Turducken, have it run by John Madden and all vehicles would be buses and Brett Favre would be Pope.

aunt maria said...

I would live there Greg.

doug said...

I would name it gleenbeckostan or marklevinica ..... adn we all know what those great countries would be like hahahahahahaahahaha

mark said...

@doug: I don't know if our family would be allowed to live in those countries

Anonymous said...

My country would have to be West Madagascar. It would be located in a post office box. That box had better be filled with foreign aid from all those other nations, or we declare war! That's right, WAR. Foreign aid could include baseball tickets, Starbucks cards, really good CDs, a nice merlot, or Panda licorice. No, I mean weapons and cash. At the end, there will only be one.