Christmas Eve

My apologies to one and all, since we normally celebrate on Christmas Eve I took it for grant it that we would just continue with the tradition. So yes, you are all invited to come and celebrate Christmas Eve, December 24, 2009 at my house.(Elvia Grimsley, 16284 Ave 172, Tulare CA)
That's 1/2 north and 1/2 west of Woodville(559-784-2747) from 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Time is not set in stone and we are very flexible so relax and just come and enjoy each other.

Pot luck please, South of the Boarder sound good, but I thought we could all just bring simple food. We have all changed our eating habits and there is always so much left there is never room in my refrigerator. I don't know if there will be tamales, but I'll make salsa for them. Here's a list; Appetizer, Vegetable tray, Fruit tray, Chips & dips, Chicken wings, (we'll put salsa and make them Mexican), Egg rolls, (add salsa and they come from South of the Boarder) Christmas Cookies, Christmas candy etc. I hope you get the idea. I'll provide coffee, tea, and water if you want sodas you can bring what you want and take home what's left. I'll have paper plates, napkins, plastic utensils. Susan do you need pickles and ice cream? Let me know I'll make sure to have some on hand:) If you have any question call and let me know. Also I'll see if Santa and Mrs. can come between 7:30-8:00p.m. Elvia


Issac Elias said...

Luckily I haven't had any craving's yet. but I do like Pickle's!!!

I've been working on some new caramel tart's and am thinking they would be fun to bring. I will also cheat and bring some southwester chicken rolls.

Lastly, will Santa and Mrs. Clause need help filling their bag for the little ones?

Alli said...

I will be happy to bring some chile verde and maybe a desert!

mark said...

Aunt Elvia, thanks for hosting! I'm sure it will once again be a blast! If I can make it earlier enough I'll make sure to bring something tortilla based.
Susan, yes please bring those caramel tarts and any leftover pecan pie you may have.
Alli, chile verde sounds good, a little too good. I'll have to taste test it for the safety of others.

Anonymous said...

I am really looking forward to being there. I can bring something, although I am not sure what at this moment in time.

doug said...

Im trying to book doug the elf but he seems very busy over the holiday season appearances on jib jab and the like

Anonymous said...

we want Doug the Elf! Doug The Elf! Doug the Elf!