December Question

It's a little bit cold in December for many of our favorite activities.  I mean it's hard to go up to the river to fish when there's snow on the road, I guess we could start ice fishing.  With that in mind, I thought I'd ask people what is their favorite December activity?  Indoors or Outdoors?


mark said...

here's my answer on this one. When I was a kid I loved going to the snow. It's something I hope to start doing again soon, but I need some tubes or disks.
I'd also have to put Risk up there, seems like this should be the time to get indoor board games going.

Anonymous said...

My favorite December activity has to be eating bunelos and drinking hot chocolate. I also like to read.

futureman said...

my favorite activity is beating all you weaklings in the Wii olympics this year! That's right I said it! set the day and time it's on like Donkey Kong!

doug said...

one of my favorite winter activities if you can call it that is making fires and hanging out.

Anonymous said...

Putting up the Christmas tree and the outside Christmas light and waiting for the first real good snow storm. Also sneaking into the living room and turning up the thermostat when Beth ain't looking.

mark said...

thermostat, in Maine?? it's gotta be at least 20 degrees out there right? Shorts and flip flops weather. Just kidding, the Christmas tree decoration with the kids is pretty cool, it's just funny when Paxton is telling me stuff like "that doesn't look good there"

The nate! said...

Scuba Diving in the middle of winter off of two harbors is my new favorite december activity! Water is suprisingly warm in the winter in california! it spent all summer getting that way. December diving is fun!! but Risk with the family is my favorite december famliy activity! especially when i win haha. Can't beat the feel of christmas when youre surrounded by family and smashing them into the ground at risk haha. whoever said chocolate and bunelos is right on too! hey anonymous i hope youre bringing me some chocolate and bunelos!

the nate said...

oh just had a dive briefing on my two harbors dive and was told there was an ok chance that we will run into some juvenal great whites and when we do get to the bottom fast keep your eyes on the shark and stay down until it goes away, oh and to keep all body extremities in tight to your body because the juvenals are mean and hungry! hmmmmm december diving may not be my favorite activity much longer haha

Anonymous said...

Does Woodville still anytype of Post Office Box Systim, or are the west coast meneses forced to use donkey or pigeon express, East Coast that have modern means of communication are wondering???

mark said...

we should be getting ham radio any time now. I actually don't know. I think there's some kind of post office in the woods, isn't there?

aunt maria said...

Hey Anonymous, I make bunuelos on New Years day. Last year I expected company that didn't show up. Harrison and I ate every last one. They were great, but man was I sorry the next day.

Anyways, anyone in the mood for bunuelos, feel free to stop by.

caroline said...

Christmas Tree decorating and Christmas Shopping. No outdoor activities when it is colder than 55 degrees.

Alli said...

I like any family get together that involves champagne. I heard Ron really like taking a roll, I mean a stroll between his house and the smith house.

darrel said...

My favorite December activity is retiring from teaching in five more days.
Today, I didn't bother to write lesson plans for next week. Instead, I helped my replacement write hers.