DVD/CD Exchange

We are planning on having the usual game/exchange at Aunt Elvia's house on christmas eve. Anyone who wants to participate needs to bring a wrapped DVD or CD to play. And no Doug, you cannot bring killer clowns from outerspace back!!! See you all there, and don't forget, Mrs and Mr Claus are planning their appearance for 8 o'clock.


The Nate said...

killer clowns from outter space would be a much better selection then snakes on a plane! Oh and avatar looks Stupid! yeah i said it!

Alli said...

Avatar was great!

Anonymous said...

Was it great like snakes on a plane lol

Anonymous said...

Hey, have some respect, you're dissing someone's favorite movie. I plan to bring a classic film and then I plan to steal it back. See you all there. And no it is not all four of the Lethal Weapons movies.

Anonymous said...

Hey no respect and I'm fussing your stupid lethal weapons too